{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, GADTs, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}dataHither=Hitherderiving(Eq,Show,Read)-- just threedataThither=Thitherderiving(Eq,Show,Read)-- distinctdataYon=Yonderiving(Eq,Show,Read)-- typesclassWhitherab|a->bwherewhither::a->b->b-- instance Whither Int Hither where -- rejected: FunDep conflict-- whither _ y = y -- with Thither instance, soinstance{-# OVERLAPPING #-}(b~Hither)=>WhitherIntbwherewhither_y=yinstance{-# OVERLAPS #-}WhitheraThitherwherewhither_y=yinstance{-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}(b~Yon)=>Whitherabwherewhither_y=yf::WhitherIntb=>Int->b->bf=whitherg::WhitherBoolb=>Bool->b->bg=whither
Should those three instances be accepted together? In particular, the published work on FDs (including the FDs through CHRs paper) says the Thither instance should behave as if:
(in which beta is a unification variable and the ~ constraint is type improvement under the FD.) But now the instance head is the same as the Yon instance, modulo alpha renaming; with the constraints being contrary.
That's demonstrated by the inferred/improved type for g:
*Whither>:tg===>g::Bool->Thither->Thither-- and yet*Whither>gTrueYon===>Yon
What do I expect here?
At least the Thither and Yon instances to be rejected as inconsistent under the FunDep.
(The Hither instance is also inconsistent, going by the strict interpretation in published work. But GHC's rule here is bogus, as documented in Trac #10675.)
Exploiting Overlapping instances is essential to making this go wrong. The published work shies away from considering FunDeps + Overlap; and yet specifying the semantics as if the instances used bare unification variables is almost inevitably going give overlaps -- especially if there are multiple FDs.
Here's my starter for 10, analysis and rationale below.
A) Apply the FunDep consistency check as per the published work.
That is, per Definition 6 of the FDs through CHRs paper.
If the FunDep's argument positions of the instance head unify, their results must be strictly equal.
ii) One of the instances is strictly more specific; and
iii) That instance's argument positions taken together are strictly more specific.
(i.e. the result positions are not less specific.)
(The bogus consistency check is that the result positions be unifiable rather than equal under the substitution induced by unifying the arguments.)
So the example on this ticket gets rejected: although the Thither instance is strictly more specific than the Yon, its argument position is not. Furthermore the Thither instance is in no substitution ordering wrt to the Hither instance. The Hither and Yon instances are happy together, and in a substitution ordering.
Note these rules allow nearly all of the dubious instances discussed in the various tickets (including 'dysfunctional dependencies'), but insist you write them in a convoluted way that would be a big hint you're probably doing something silly.
reviewing tickets (including this one)
I've added some more ticket links to this one; #10675 is the authority.
someone paying careful attention to FDs in GHC.
That's what this proposal was about. Search for the ticket numbers in the discussion.
I'll also add a comment to #10675 explaining how to apply the rules for it; and giving the types GHC infers (much more sensible) -- if we relax even the full FunDep requirement B) i).
proposing what changes to make
What we ''don't* want is to go delving into constraints or some global search amongst instances in scope. IOW we do want rules that can be applied pairwise between instance *'heads''' and per-FunDep. That also makes it easier to explain to puzzled users why their instances are being rejected.
In general there might be multiple FunDeps; a parameter position might be an argument for one FunDep but a result for another. For non-full FunDeps (which is #10675) I don't think there's anything we could do other than apply the strict rule. But you can evade that rule (deliberately so) with a strictly more general/overlappable instance.
And I think that relaxation is justified because putting unification variables in result positions is a) what the published work gives as the semantics; and b) gives you overlapping instances in effect anyway.
Specifically, the above rules authorise what we've been doing for over a dozen years to get a type-level type equality predicate
I've implemented the suggestion, in a version of Hugs. So throw at me your awkward cases/counter-examples.
(Hugs latest release/Sep 2006 only allows FunDeps + Overlap if all the overlapping instances are per the strictly unify-to-equal rule. Hugs instance heads must overlap in a strict substitution order; none of GHC's allowing the potential for overlap.)
Seems to be working; I have a type-level type equality test; it handles the tricky cases I'm aware of, including this ticket. #10675 is rejected. Even handles overlap of instances for TRex records.
There is a structure of instances for which the suggested rules at ticket:15632#comment:160109 are over-restrictive: you can code round it under the rules, but awkwardly. I'd appreciate feedback on how common this is: a diamond overlap pattern. Consider
The Hitherinstance is strictly more specific than any of the other three; the Yon instance is strictly more general. The two Thither instances overlap, but are in no substitution order, so don't meet conditions B ii), B iii) above. (For the example, it's not necessary the two instances produce the same result type for b, it just makes the example more poignant. Also it's not necessary for there to be a more general instance; in practice there usually is a 'catch-all'.)
Currently GHC accepts this example, and does the 'right thing'. (Saying GHC accepts it is not much of a claim: GHC will accept nearly any rubbishy set of instances; whether it does the 'right thing' in all cases needs a lot of testing.)
The example can be coded within the rules, via an auxiliary class:
These are accepted because of GHC's delayed/relaxed overlap check. then consider a wanted Whuther (Int, a2, Bool) b in which a2 is known to be apart from Char. This gives irresolvable overlap, because there's no reason to prefer either of the Thither instances.
I could amend the rules, still keeping within the idea of pairwise validation of instance heads. If A), B) fail:
C) Relax to follow GHC's bogus consistency check providing all of
i) The FunDep is full;
ii) The instances overlap but neither is strictly more specific;
there is a third instance strictly more specific than either; and
iii) that third instance's argument positions taken together are exactly at the unification of the two partially-overlapping instances' argument positions.
(i.e. the third instance's result positions are not less specific than the unification.)
C ii), iii) together need search amongst instances. Note there could be at most one instance that would meet the criteria:
Whuther (Int, a2, Bool) Hither meets C ii), its (Int, a2, Bool) exactly meets C iii).
Whuther (Int, Char, Bool) Hither meets C ii), but its (Int Char, Bool) is too specific for C iii).
Note that both of those instances could legitimately be in scope under the rules: they're in a strict substitution order; and their FunDep result position is the same (meets condition A)'s strict consistency condition).
To make the search a bit more deterministic, we could revise C ii) to require
C) ii') Neither of the instances is strictly more specific; and
there is a third instance at exactly the unification of the two instances.
Then C iii) is not needed. Under C ii'), the example at the top of this comment would be rejected, but the Hither instance could be amended to:
And that would still allow another instance Whuther (Int, Char, Bool) Hither, which is strictly more specific yet.
I've tried coding either version of rule C). It needs **either** entirely restructuring the consistency check to delay until all the instances are visible (rather than validating instances one-by-one in order of textual appearance); **or** requiring the programmer write the overlapping instances in textual order most-specific first. Usual practice is to write most-specific first. Never the less this makes the validation rules brittle: programmers won't appreciate error messages suggesting re-ordering their instances might help (no guarantee).
Adding related ticket, particularly ticket:15135#comment:162593 and SPJ's reply at comment 6 "This is terribly unsatisfactory".
Changing the optimisation level or the per-instance pragmas can change which instance is selected, and thereby the meaning of the program -- even within a single module. (The O.P. for that ticket is the familiar 'orphan instances'/separate modules -- which is at least a devil we know.)
The linked manual for -fsolve-constant-dicts says
we can often produce much better code by directly solving for an available Num Int dictionary we might have at hand. This removes potentially many layers of indirection and crucially allows other optimisations to fire ...
This seems to be muddling up concerns:
selecting which instance satisfies a Wanted constraint
(in case of Overlapping instances, this means 'best'/most closely satisfies);
vs: having resolved which instance, and determined it's the same instance as for a dictionary available at hand,
then sharing the at-hand dictionary/removing layers of indirection, etc.
I can see that under separate compilation, we can't be sure whether the 'best' instance in scope in the current module might get gazumped by an instance in another module. Then we can only go by the OVERLAPPABLE pragma. But we should always search all instances in scope in the current module, irrespective of pragmas or optimisation(?) OK that search is adding a performance hit for the compiler and it only makes a difference in case of overlap; but it shouldn't impact object code, presuming it does resolve to an at-hand dictionary.
I didn't realise the pragmas had that dramatic of an effect on selecting instances. Then this applies from comment 1
I think it's arguable that an instance should only be overlappable if it says {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}. But that's not our current spec.
Making that the rule (in some form) could detect/warn of problematic 'orphan instances'. Interpreting the rule for instances that are in no substitution order (the O.P. on this ticket #15632) still needs some head-scratching.
Those two equations conform to a FunDep arg -> result.
There's no expectation that 'unifying' the wildcard equation with the first equation should give the same result. The sequence of equations ensures that we don't explicitly have to guard nonZero _x | _x /= 0 .... With instances, the guarding mechanism is overlap rather than sequencing. And that distributed logic is ergonomic because we want classes to be open so for each datatype decl we put the instances in the same module. I don't see anything would go wrong if we allowed a more direct style (this isn't supported by my suggested rules)
class TypeEq a b (r :: Bool) | a b -> rinstance TypeEq a a Trueinstance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} TypeEq a b False-- argument positions overlap in strict substitution order; result position is apart-- the OVERLAPPABLE means the arg positions, not the whole instance headclass AddNat a b c | a b -> c, a c -> b, b c -> ainstance AddNat ZNat b binstance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (c ~ (SNat c'), Add a' b c') => AddNat (SNat a') b c-- argument positions overlap in strict substitution order for b c -> a FunDep-- result position is apart `ZNat /~ (SNat a')`
I guess the FunDep consistency rule is to block instances like:
class C3 a b c | b -> c -- non-full, compare Trac #10675 instance C3 Int (Maybe b') (Bool, b')instance C3 Char b (Char, b)
Those would break FunDep consistency, under a traditional Relational theory interpretation. The b argument positions overlap in strict substitution order, the result position is apart; but the instances don't treat b ~ (Maybe b') consistently.
Haskell's FunDep arrow is doing two slightly different jobs:
Ensuring each instance represents an algorithm to get from the patterns in the argument positions to the pattern in the result position;
binding tyvar b, in the C3 instances.
Typically the algorithm goes via constraints in UndecidableInstances cases.
Identifying which positions 'influence' the result, even though the algorithm doesn't use the content of those positions.
That is, C3's first position determines the fst of the result tuple;
even though the algorithm doesn't take any tyvars from it.
So the FunDep consistency check rejects those C3 instances, and insists you put the FunDep as a b -> c -- which is correct. (Or if you genuinely intend a FunDep b -> c, put it in an auxiliary class via a superclass constraint.)
Non-full FunDeps are useful, for example
class Lens s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s
So I'm not happy my suggested improvements above only apply for full FunDeps. (They do meet the objective of supporting common use cases.)
Wild thought: abandon the FunDep consistency check altogether. If you want inconsistency like those C3 instances, on your head be it/I've suggested two mechanisms to be more explicit what you intend. So the FunDep arrow is for the usage sites: it tells the compiler it'll be able to infer the target type. And for the instances: the compiler must check the instance gives an algorithm to get the target type (possibly via constraints in case of UndecidableInstances).
If there's to be case-by-case logic for the FunDep to give so-called inconsistent results, such as the TypeEq or AddNat examples, the only mechanism is overlapping instances. Change the meaning of the OVERLAPPABLE etc pragmas to mean overlap of the argument positions, not the whole instance head. So we'd like to be more explicit but can't write
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Add a' b c') => AddNat (SNat a') b (SNat c')
because on FunDep b c -> a that doesn't overlap instance AddNat ZNat b b in any substitution order.
If there's multiple FunDeps, their argument positions taken FunDep-by-FunDep must all overlap with the same polarity, so that one instance is always more specific.