In a real example, for a program that hangs, where one only suspects that f may be the culprit, and where f is being called from various places with different values, this output is not very useful (and in fact, it is misleading).
My mental model of the trace function is something along these lines:
This probably belongs as an actual libraries@ discussion due to very broad impact and the fact that it silently changes semantics on code in surprising ways.
The underlying problem has to do with how the strictness analyzer treats FFI calls (maybe just unsafe ones): c_function >> y is considered to be strict in y.
I consider this to be a bug (as seen here: what if c_function has some externally visible effect?) but I'm concerned that fixing it might have bad effects on performance in other settings.
I think it's effectively just luck that we don't see the same behavior with hPutStrLn stderr s: hPutStrLn is too complicated for the strictness analyser.
Anyways I should add that this behavior of trace is very surprising and should definitely be fixed. But if we're going to work around the underlying bug with a hack (which seems reasonable to me) it should be a hack that is targeted to the actual issue. For example, I imagine that some use of magic functions like lazy would probably get the job done.
My reasoning was: withCString, and in turn debugBelch, need the complete string to be present before printing can start. hPutStrLn on the other hand prints character for character. So it's not about trace being lazy or not, but how it handles (possibly infinite) lazy strings.
There are some problems however:
with my patch, traceIO would handle lazy strings differently on non-Windows vs. Windows.
traceEventIO and traceMarkerIO still don't handle lazy strings. Both emit to the eventlog, for which (I'm guessing) the complete string needs to be ready as well .
Maybe we should keep things the way they are. Although surprising, at least the story is consistent over all trace functions.
That's a separate issue to the one the original bug report was about, though. The surprising behavior is that trace a b can evaluate b before printing a, and if evaluation of b enters an infinite loop, a will never be printed at all.
I'm confused. The examples from the description and from ticket:9795#comment:91071 print a before evaluating b in trace a b, when a is some fixed string. The problems arise when a can not be evaluated in full.
Thomie is right, and Reid is (very unusually) off the mark, unless I'm mistaken.
trace really is defined (in Debug.Trace like this), just as the OP thought:
trace :: String -> a -> atrace string expr = unsafePerformIO $ do traceIO string return expr
The call to traceIO really does happen before expr is evaluated.
The culprit is traceIO:
traceIO :: String -> IO ()traceIO msg = do withCString "%s\n" $ \cfmt -> do -- NB: debugBelch can't deal with null bytes, so filter them -- out so we don't accidentally truncate the message. See Trac #9395 let (nulls, msg') = partition (=='\0') msg withCString msg' $ \cmsg -> debugBelch cfmt cmsg when (not (null nulls)) $ withCString "WARNING: previous trace message had null bytes" $ \cmsg -> debugBelch cfmt cmsg
I'm not quite sure what those calls to withCString are doing, but I think they
are strict in the string. So if the message has bottoms in it (which is the case
in this example) none of it will get printed.
That is not really too bad; although it should be documented. After all, you
can always write
trace ("in: " ++ show n) $ trace ("out: " ++ show res) $ res
and now you should see the first message even if you get stuck on the second.
My conclusion: fix the documentation. I'll add this to the documentation for
The 'trace' function evaluates the message (i.e. the first argument) completelybefore printing it; so if the message is not fully defined, none of itwill be printed.
The 'trace' function evaluates the message (i.e. the first argument) completelybefore printing it; so if the message is not fully defined, none of itwill be printed.
Ok. Perhaps add that comment to the top of the module instead, since it applies to all the functions in the module equally.
I still think that being strict on the string is the wrong default for a function whose only purpose is debugging pure functions, and I don't quite see what the benefit of the current behaviour is.
Simon's workaround works after the fact, when you already know that the problem might be res being bottom. When starting a debugging session, one doesn't always have a clear suspicion of the culprit. A good part of the usefulness of trace is giving you an indication that certain expression is actually being evaluated, even if the full string fails to be printed in full.
The way I see it, in order to avoid problems with a strict trace, one should be more defensive and start using it as Simon indicates in a systematical way. Consider for example the following excerpt from the wiki entry on debugging:
A common idiom to trace a function is:
myfun a b | trace ("myfun " ++ show a ++ " " ++ show b) False = undefined myfun a b = ...
With the current behaviour, I believe this should really be:
myfun a b | trace "myfun " $ trace (show a ++ " " ++ show b) False = undefined myfun a b = ...
and/or an explanation on trace being strict and what could happen if show a or show b loop or have an infinite output. With a lazy trace all this goes away, making trace more powerful and easier to use. Perhaps there are very good reasons to keep trace strict, but I'm not aware of them...
(Both commits have been merged to ghc-7.10, so taking out of merge state - see d67b7842 and 35a0b67d; a discussion here may cause something to change for 7.12 in the mean time.)
Perhaps there are very good reasons to keep trace strict, but I'm not aware of them...
I see 3 reasons:
For Windows gui applications, the trace message is printed to something called the debug console (if it is enabled). It prepends the message with the current time or something. I think the way it works is, we have to collect the full message first, and then make some windows api call to print the message at once. Different messages should not get interleaved, and you don't want to split a single message over multiple lines (one for each character). So on Windows we can not simply make your proposed change. It would be confusing if trace were only lazy in the message on other platforms, but still strict on Windows.
Debug.Trace also exports traceEvent and traceMarker, which emit a message to the GHC eventlog. Again, this is a strict operation. It would be confusing if those functions had different laziness semantics from trace. This could be solved with documentation.
As Edward said in ticket:9795#comment:96301, it would be a user visible change, which is better handled on the libraries list.
Perhaps make a library proposal to add a new trace like function to Debug.Trace, that is lazy in the message? The name would be the hardest part. traceStderr could be an option.