Namespace collision detection for promoted types
In the following example
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Foo where
data Nat = Z | S Nat
data S
foo :: S n -> S n
foo = id
GHC displays the error
‘S’ is applied to too many type arguments
In the type signature for ‘foo’: foo :: S n -> S n
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Of course this code compiles without the definition of data S
. Without namespace collision detection, it is easy to have working code, and then import a module which breaks the code. For example, I made this request after I imported Module1 with type S
defined and Module2 with the promoted type S
, which is what I was trying to use.
Can we get namespace collision detection instead? I'm proposing something like:
Ambiguous occurence ‘S’
It could refer to either Foo.S defined at Foo.hs:7:1
or to Foo.'S promoted from the constructor defined at Foo.hs:5:16
or to `Bar.'S` promoted from the constructor defined at Bar.hs:line#:char#
or to ...
Use 'S to refer to promoted constructors.