Weird behavior with polymorphic function involving existential quantification and GADTs
This program is rejected by GHC 7.8.2:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Foo where
data Box = forall a. Box a
foo :: Monad m => m ()
foo = do
box <- return (Box ())
let f x =
let _ = Box x `asTypeOf` box
in x
g :: a -> a
g = f
return ()
With the following type error:
Couldn't match type ‘a0’ with ‘a’
because type variable ‘a’ would escape its scope
This (rigid, skolem) type variable is bound by
the type signature for g :: a -> a
at foo.hs:14:12-17
Expected type: a -> a
Actual type: a0 -> a0
Relevant bindings include
g :: a -> a (bound at foo.hs:15:7)
f :: a0 -> a0 (bound at foo.hs:10:7)
In the expression: f
In an equation for ‘g’: g = f
Perplexingly, however, you can get it to compile either by adding a type signature to f:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Foo where
data Box = forall a. Box a
foo :: Monad m => m ()
foo = do
box <- return (Box ())
let f :: x -> x
f x =
let _ = Box x `asTypeOf` box
in x
g :: a -> a
g = f
return ()
Or by disabling the GADTs extension:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Foo where
data Box = forall a. Box a
foo :: Monad m => m ()
foo = do
box <- return (Box ())
let f x =
let _ = Box x `asTypeOf` box
in x
g :: a -> a
g = f
return ()
Or by getting rid of the asTypeOf:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Foo where
data Box = forall a. Box a
foo :: Monad m => m ()
foo = do
box <- return (Box ())
let f x =
let _ = Box x
in x
g :: a -> a
g = f
return ()
Or by defining ‘box’ differently:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Foo where
data Box = forall a. Box a
foo :: Monad m => m ()
foo = do
let box = Box ()
let f x =
let _ = Box x `asTypeOf` box
in x
g :: a -> a
g = f
return ()
And perhaps some other factors that I haven't tested yet.
It appears to me that all of these should be valid programs.
Real world source:
It happens here due to the usage of “writeChan chan $ Req fun ret”, which makes the function requestit in line 77 not as polymorphic as it should be, unless you add a type signature. The putMVar serves the same role as the asTypeOf
in my smaller example.