Not entirely sure what's going on here. I don't think this should type check; it appears to segfault whilst calling show on the wrong type.
This is probably not the absolute minimum required to reproduce.
I have reproduced on 7.8.3 and 7.9.20140727.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}importData.MonoidclassCxwheredataDx::*makeD::DxinstanceMonoidx=>CxwheredataDx=D1(Eitherx())makeD=D1(Leftmempty)instance(Monoidx,Monoidy)=>C(x,y)wheredataD(x,y)=D2(x,y)makeD=D2(mempty,mempty)instanceShowx=>Show(Dx)whereshow(D1x)=showxmain=print(makeD::D(String,String))
There is a long-standing awkwardness in GHC’s implementation of newtype, described in Note [Newtype eta] in TyCon, which I reproduce below. The core of it comes down to this. Consider
newtype Parser a = MkParser (IO a) derriving( Monad )
Do we have (Monad Parser ~R Monad IO)? These are the types of the Monad dictionaries for Parser and IO resp. In the olden days to implement Generalised Newtype Deriving (GND) we coerced directly between these dictionary types, so we really needed them to be ~R. As a result, the axiom induced by the above newtype had to be
ax :: Parser ~R IO
and not
ax a :: Parser a ~R IO a
So we had to eta-reduce axioms.
This is a royal pain. And we have to do it for newtype instances too. See Note [Eta reduction for data family axioms] in TcInstDcls. And it turns out that the new, serious bug #9371 (closed) is directly attributable to this royal pain. (Just to record how: FamInstEnv.lookup_fam_inst_env' goes to some trouble to match up arities; but the my_unify function passed to it by lookupFamInstEnvConflicts simply bypasses all this, and as a result misses the conflict.)
Side note: our Safe coercions” paper does not say in Section 2 how to deal with data/newtype instances.
NOW, in our new story for GND, we never coerce between Monad Parser and Monad IO. Instead we coerce the individual methods (Section 7 of the paper). Why? I think it’s because our roles are not higher-kinded, but we didn’t document the change. Does anyone else remember? I think there were actually multiple reasons.
However this change means that we DON’T need (IO ~R Parser) any more! Only (IO ty ~R Parser ty). So the reason for the eta reduction seems to have gone away.
Do you agree? If so I could simplify GHC by removing the complicated eta stuff. I would rather do that than fix #9371 (closed) by adding more complexity
I see that this was actually proposed in #8503 (closed), but the thread diverged onto other matters. Richard’s last #9371 (closed) said “So we don't need eta-reduction as much as maybe we once did, but it's still useful.” but provided no evidence in support of this claim.
I somehow think this is connected to #9123 (closed) but I can’t put my finger on why.
Note [Newtype eta]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Consider newtype Parser a = MkParser (IO a) derriving( Monad )Are these two types equal (to Core)? Monad Parser Monad IOwhich we need to make the derived instance for Monad Parser.Well, yes. But to see that easily we eta-reduce the RHS type ofParser, in this case to ([], Froogle), so that even unsaturated applicationsof Parser will work right. This eta reduction is done when the typeconstructor is built, and cached in NewTyCon. The cached field isonly used in coreExpandTyCon_maybe.Here's an example that I think showed up in practiceSource code: newtype T a = MkT [a] newtype Foo m = MkFoo (forall a. m a -> Int) w1 :: Foo [] w1 = ... w2 :: Foo T w2 = MkFoo (\(MkT x) -> case w1 of MkFoo f -> f x)After desugaring, and discarding the data constructors for the newtypes,we get: w2 :: Foo T w2 = w1And now Lint complains unless Foo T == Foo [], and that requires T==[]This point carries over to the newtype coercion, because we need tosay w2 = w1 `cast` Foo CoTso the coercion tycon CoT must have kind: T ~ [] and arity: 0
At first reading, it seemed that ticket:9371#comment:86449 did not relate to this ticket. But, looking closer, I see how. I'll explain for others' benefit:
The line data D x = D1 (Either x ()) becomes somewhat like the two declarations
data DFInst1 x = D1 (Either x ())type D x = DFInst1 x
We create a proper datatype DFInst1 that has no eta-reduction or anything strange, really, other than the fact that the user can't ever write its name. Data families are internally interpreted somewhat like type families, and thus we create the connection between D and DFInst1. However, as Simon explains, the second of my definitions above is eta-reduced.
When processing data D (x, y) = D2 (x, y), the relevant type-ish instance is D (x, y) = DFInst2 x y, which cannot be eta-reduced. Then, when comparing the instances D = DFInst1 and D (x, y) = DFInst2 x y, the conflict-checker says that the left-hand sides (<empty> and (x,y), respectively) are quite surely apart, because they are of different lengths!
There is a fix here that involves much less theory than Simon's approach: fix the conflict checker to take this into account. There should never be different lengths involved here (absent the eta-reduction), so when there are, we could just note a conflict. Even simpler, we could notice somehow that a data family is involved and spit out a conflict right away, as two data family instances are never compatible.
That said, Simon asks a worthwhile question: do we need eta-reduction given the new implementation of GND? I think "yes":
import Control.Monad.Trans.Identitynewtype MyList a = MkList [a]class C m where x :: IdentityT m Intinstance C [] where x = IdentityT [1,2,3]deriving instance C MyList
This (silly) example requires the eta-reduction to work, and I don't see a compelling reason to reduce expressivity here. Yes, it would simplify the code somewhat, but I still don't think it's worth it.
In answer to Simon's "why not cast Monad Parser to Monad IO": a lack of higher-kinded roles was a big part of the discussion, but there was another: superclasses. It's possible that the GND'd class has superclasses and that the superclass instances for the original type and the newtype are different. If we casted the whole instance, we would get the superclass instances from the original type, which would be quite strange. Indeed, before making any change related to roles, the old GND code also did not cast instances, because of this superclass issue.
"Fix the conflict checker" is clearly an option. It's what I described as "adding more complexity".
Moreover, let us note that GHC's current behaviour is not documented in the user manual or in any paper. If you are arguing to stick with it, we should at least write it up! Any volunteers?
Moreover, doesn't your example work perfectly well without eta reduction? To typecheck the deriving instance we need
IdentityT [] Int ~R IdentityT MyList Int
Now, using the Coercible instances in Fig 2 of the paper, we can reduce that to
[Int] ~R MyList Int
and that is true with the non-eta-reduced axiom.
If IdentityT's data constructor was not in scope, then indeed the program will still typecheck -- but arguably doing so exposes something about the representation of the newtype, harming abstraction. You certainly couldn't have written it be hand.
It all seems quite debatable to me. Do we really want a significant cluster of complexity in the implementation, to implement an un-documented feature, which no one is asking for, and whose very existence is debatable?
Moreover, doesn't your example work perfectly well without eta reduction? To typecheck the deriving instance we need
IdentityT [] Int ~R IdentityT MyList Int
Now, using the Coercible instances in Fig 2 of the paper, we can reduce that to
[Int] ~R MyList Int
and that is true with the non-eta-reduced axiom.
If IdentityT's data constructor was not in scope, then indeed the program will still typecheck -- but arguably doing so exposes something about the representation of the newtype, harming abstraction. You certainly couldn't have written it be hand.
I hadn't considered the newtype-unwrapping axiom when writing the example. You're right -- we don't need eta reduction. But, if IdentityT were a datatype instead of a newtype, we would, without further changes to the example. The "harming abstraction" note is exactly the debate about whether or not we should be able to coerce Map String Int to Map String Age without Map's constructor being in scope.
It all seems quite debatable to me. Do we really want a significant cluster of complexity in the implementation, to implement an un-documented feature, which no one is asking for, and whose very existence is debatable?
It still makes me nervous to reduce expressiveness -- I just don't want users of 7.10 to suddenly lose something, post here that they need it back, and then have it restored for 7.12, leaving a lot of CPP in their code.
OK I agree that the same issue arises if IdentityT was a data type, so my point about newtype unwrapping for IdentityT was a bit of a red herring.
And yes I agree that this "silly example" is indeed a case where eta-reduction of newtype axioms (and data/newtype instance!) axioms is useful. And since the code is implemented, I suppose that the shortest path is to fix the conflict detector.
But it does hurt me that we have NO formalised description of the eta-reduction story in any of our papers.
It's not clear that two equations conflict just because their LHSs differ. Eg
F x = Maybe F x Int = Maybe Int
But it's certainly safe to say "there's a conflict", and in fact the lengths only differ for data families in which case each RHS is a fresh data type.
This is somewhat urgent because what we have now is actually unsound.