MINIMAL pragma should supprt negation
Consider this class declaration
class Conv a where
to :: Integer -> a
from :: a -> Integer
default to :: (Generic a) => Integer -> a
to i = ...
default from :: (Generic a) => a -> Integer
from a = ...
The class provides default methods for the two methods using generics. An instance declaration for this type is likely to want to use the default for both methods or for none. So I'd like a MINIMAL pragma that can express this. E.g.
{-# MINIMAL (to, from) | (!to, !from) #-}
I've used ! for negation (following the lead set by the MINIMAL pragma using a non-Haskell OR operator), so this says: either implement 'to' and 'from' or don't implement neither 'to' nor 'from'.
Trac metadata
Trac field | Value |
Version | 7.8.3 |
Type | FeatureRequest |
TypeOfFailure | OtherFailure |
Priority | normal |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Component | Compiler |
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BlockedBy | |
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Blocking | |
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