I assume ghc allocates the lumps of gmp integers still
on ghc's heap, making it impossible (or very awkward)
to interface to C libraries that use gmp themselves. Is
there a chance that you could use the default memory
allocator for lumps starting from ghc 6.4? That would
make my life much easier.
Logged In: YES user_id=48280It's a known problem that you can't use GMP via the FFI fromyour Haskell code in GHC, or use a C library that internallyuses GMP. We should really use a private version of GMPwith function names that don't overlap, or better stillreplace GMP altogether.I don't think this is going to get fixed for 6.4, I'm afraid.
Logged In: YES user_id=232905It wouldn't be too hard to provide an entry point that let you enable/disable the use of GHC's custom allocator functions.That entry point would be called by FFI wrapper code, either as a service by the RTS or manually by user code. Would only work in single (OS) threaded code, of course.
I've been struggling using FFI bindings to libraries which rely on the
GNU Mp Bignum library (gmp) - this is apparently a well known problem
(#311 (closed), [wiki:ReplacingGMPNotes). I do rely on using such libraries, and so started to get it work on MacOsX; no solution was close to being satisfactory however, so I'd like to ask for some advice.
Those two options worked to some extend:
Create or modify the library in question, so gmp is statically linked and its symbols are hidden. When source code is available, this is relatively easy, altough it requires modification of the build process (which can be a hassle). If a static "ar" archive is available, it is cumbersome (at least on Mac Os X I ran into a lot of troubles using nmedit), but possible. Furthermore, the resulting libraries are bloated, as each of them contains a copy of the GMP; left alone portability issues.
As suggested an earlier comment, I tried switching the allocator functions when switching to FFI. It worked, but not in GHCi; also, doing it manually is a lot of work, because, as far as I could figure out, it is neccessary to write a wrapper function for every C-function (indirectly) using the gmp.
Furthermore, most of the libraries expose gmp datatypes (mpz_t,mpq_t) in
their API. I currently use a little haskell module working on
GHC.Exts, but that's propably not a good option from a maintainer's
point of view. There are certainly other possibilities, but I couldn't
find one which is both maintainable and portable.
I would be very grateful for any advice, or some information on plans
for resolving ticket #311 (closed). There are some great libraries (like the
Parma Polyhedral Library, to pick an example) out there using gmp, and
it would be nice if writing bindings to those libs could be simplified.
It's still a bug/issue for when GHC is built with GMP. Were we planning on switching to non-GMP as default or mandatory? (I think such a change would need more discussion, because some code might use the speed of GMP's algorithms on large numbers.) I guess just having non-gmp as a configure choice is a workaround for these users, although not a perfect or easy workaround
It's also now easy to create alternative integer backends, e.g. using a renamed gmp, or another C integer library. I don't think we intend to do anything else on this front, though.