-caf-all bugs
P.C.Callaghan [p.c.callaghan@durham.ac.uk] submitted
this bug:
I'm trying to use the -caf-all flag with ghc-6.02, in
conjunction with -O
(which means going via C...)
But in a few modules of a large program, the .hc files
contain duplicate
definitions of "MODsat_CAF_cc_ccs" (where MOD = a
particular module)
I can't see an obvious pattern to the number of
duplications. All the
affected modules use MPCs heavily. It doesn't look like
the duplications
are 1-1 with the instance decls. It only happens on a
few modules out
of many which also use classes heavily.
NB I hand-patched the .hc files by hand, and in the
results, not much of
the dictionary/caf info showed up! Should -auto-dicts work?