I can reproduce this bug with a slightly different file with
$ ghc-6.9.20080730 --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.9.20080730
I can reproduce this bug with a slightly different file with
$ ghc-6.9.20080730 --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.9.20080730
I can also confirm WouterTest2 still exhibits this problem as of 6.9.20080813.
Wed Aug 20 13:07:51 GMT Daylight Time 2008 simonpj@microsoft.com * Fix Trac #2456: eliminate duplicate bindings when deriving
Simon Peyton Joneschanged title from Generics compilation problem: "FATAL:Symbol _XJv_srt already defined." to For higher kinds, instance declarations need quantification in the context
changed title from Generics compilation problem: "FATAL:Symbol _XJv_srt already defined." to For higher kinds, instance declarations need quantification in the context
Type system question: do we know that all of these extensions play nicely in a type-theoretic sense? Is the argument that, since they're all expressible in System F_C, we're okay?
In response to the type system question: Essentially, yes, if something is expressible in FC, then it must* be good. But, I know of two loopholes in FC: unsafe coercions (we all knew that), and the !GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving bug (see #1496 (closed), #4846 (closed), which seem, to me, to be duplicates).
FC is a complicated beast these days, and though we've proved it type-safe in theory, we can't be sure in practice. :)
So I'll retitle this ticket as a feature request for such a feature.
Note: doing this makes it more difficult to test whether a ticket can be closed or not, because the description, attached testcases and part of the discussion are still for the original bug.