GHC infers over-polymorphic kinds
data T ka (a::ka) b = MkT (T Type Int Bool)
(T (Type -> Type) Maybe Bool)
GHC accepts this even though it uses polymorphic recursion. But it shouldn't -- we simply do not have reliable way to infer most general types in the presence of polymorphic recursion.
In more detail, in getInitialKinds
, GHC chooses this (bogus) "monomorphic" kind for T:
T :: forall (ka :: kappa1) -> ka -> kappa2 -> Type
where kappa1
and kappa1
are unification variables. Then it kind-checks the data constructor declaration, given this mono-kind -- and succeeds!
But this is extremely fragile. At call-sites of T we are going to instantiate T's kind. But what if kappa2
(somewhere, somehow) late unified wtih ka
. Then, when instantiating T's kind with ka := blah
we should get
blah -> blha -> Type
. So how it instantiates will vary depending on what we konw about kappa2
No no no. The initial monomorphic kind of T (returned by getInitialKinds
, and used when checking the recursive RHSs)
should be
T :: kappa1 -> kappa2 -> kappa3 -> Type
Then indeed this program will be rejected, but so be it.