Recompilation bug with default class methods
Repro as follows.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-full-laziness #-}
module A (toTypedData, toTypedDataNoDef) where
toTypedData :: String -> IO Int
toTypedData s = wrapPrint "yoyo" $ toTypedDataNoDef s
wrapPrint :: String -> IO Int -> IO Int
wrapPrint s act = do
putStrLn s
toTypedDataNoDef :: String -> IO Int
toTypedDataNoDef s = return $ length s
module B ( TypeClass(..) ) where
import A
class Show a => TypeClass a where
getSize :: a -> IO Int
getSize a = toTypedData (show a)
printA :: a -> IO ()
module Main where
import B
data MyDataType = MyDataType String Int deriving Show
instance TypeClass MyDataType where
printA = putStrLn . show
main :: IO ()
main = do
let myValue = MyDataType "haha" 99
sz <- getSize myValue
putStrLn $ show sz
printA myValue
- Comment out the
option in A.hs rm *.o *.hi; ghc -O2 C.hs
- Re-enable the
option in A.hs ghc -O2 C.hs
Produces a linker error:
C.o:Main_main1_info: error: undefined reference to 'A_toTypedData2_closure'
C.o( error: undefined reference to 'A_toTypedData2_closure'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Reproduced in 8.0, 8.4 and master. Probably happens in all released versions of GHC.