topNormaliseType is wrong
I’m very puzzled about topNormaliseTYpe_maybe. Here it is:
topNormaliseType_maybe env ty
= topNormaliseTypeX stepper mkTransCo ty
stepper = unwrapNewTypeStepper `composeSteppers` tyFamStepper
tyFamStepper rec_nts tc tys -- Try to step a type/data family
= let (args_co, ntys) = normaliseTcArgs env Representational tc tys in
-- NB: It's OK to use normaliseTcArgs here instead of
-- normalise_tc_args (which takes the LiftingContext described
-- in Note [Normalising types]) because the reduceTyFamApp below
-- works only at top level. We'll never recur in this function
-- after reducing the kind of a bound tyvar.
case reduceTyFamApp_maybe env Representational tc ntys of
Just (co, rhs) -> NS_Step rec_nts rhs (args_co `mkTransCo` co)
_ -> NS_Done
I have two puzzlements
- First, it seems utterly wrong to normalise the arguments using Representational. Consider
F (N Int)
where newtype N x = [x]
We don’t want to reduce
(N Int)
, and then try reducing(F [Int])
!! That is totally bogus. Surely we should use (the role-aware)normalise_tc_args
- I have literally no clue what
Note [Normalising types]
is all about. Moreover there is no Lifting Context passed tonormalise_tc_args
, so I don’t know what this stuff aboutLiftingContext
is about. Is this historical baggage?
Richard and I discussed this. (1) is a bug; for (2) the comment is misleading and should be deleted.
Richard will do these things -- and will add examples to the mysterious Note [Normalising types]