False kind errors with implicitly bound kinds in GHC 8.6
This could be related to #15343 (closed).
The following code fails to compile with GHC, but does compile with 8.4:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} -- or PolyKinds
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Kind
class C (x :: Type) (y :: k) where
type F y
• Expected a type, but ‘k’ has kind ‘k’
• In the kind ‘k’
7 | class C (x :: Type) (y :: k) where
| ^
Yet all of the following slightly different examples still do compile:
-- remove `x`
class C0 (y :: k) where type F0 y
-- remove `F`
class C1 (x :: Type) (y :: k)
-- remove the kind annotation from `x`
class C2 x (y :: k) where type F2 y
-- switch the order of `x` and `y`
class C3 (y :: k) (x :: Type) where type F3 y
-- make `k` an explicit parameter, with or without a kind annotation
class C4 k (x :: Type) (y :: k) where type F4 y
class C5 (k :: Type) (x :: Type) (y :: k) where type F5 y
-- add a new parameter *with no kind annotation*
class C6 z (x :: Type) (y :: k) where type F6 y
Here's also my original example which failed to compile:
type Hom k = k -> k -> Type
type family Ob (p :: Hom k) :: k -> Constraint
class ( obP ~ Ob p
, opP ~ Dom p
, obQ ~ Ob q
, opQ ~ Dom q
, p ~ Dom f
, q ~ Cod f
) => Functor' (obP :: i -> Constraint)
(opP :: Hom i)
(p :: Hom i)
(obQ :: j -> Constraint)
(opQ :: Hom j)
(q :: Hom j)
(f :: i -> j) where
type Dom f :: Hom i
type Cod f :: Hom j
• Expected a type, but ‘j’ has kind ‘k’
• In the first argument of ‘Hom’, namely ‘j’
In the kind ‘Hom j’
34 | type Cod f :: Hom j
| ^
The only way I can find to make this one compile is to make i
and j
explicit parameters with explicit kinds:
class ( obP ~ Ob p
, opP ~ Dom p
, obQ ~ Ob q
, opQ ~ Dom q
, p ~ Dom f
, q ~ Cod f
) => Functor' (i :: Type)
(j :: Type)
(obP :: i -> Constraint)
(opP :: Hom i)
(p :: Hom i)
(obQ :: j -> Constraint)
(opQ :: Hom j)
(q :: Hom j)
(f :: i -> j) where
type Dom f :: Hom i
type Cod f :: Hom j
Trac metadata
Trac field | Value |
Version | 8.5 |
Type | Bug |
TypeOfFailure | OtherFailure |
Priority | normal |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Component | Compiler (Type checker) |
Test case | |
Differential revisions | |
BlockedBy | |
Related | |
Blocking | |
CC | |
Operating system | |
Architecture |