Uncurried Parameter to n-ary Function in Type Signature Causes Crash
If you uncomment the arrow, everything's fine; GHC crashes as-is.
f :: (a -> b) {- -> -} a -> c
f = undefined
Apparently GHC incorrectly parses any n-ary function parameter followed by another uncurried parameter in type signatures.
System Info: GHC v8.2.1 GCC v5.4.0 Linux Mint (Linux 4.8.0-53-generic #56 (closed)~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP x86_64)
ghc -v -dcore-lint:
Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 8.2.1, stage 2 booted by GHC version 8.0.2
Using binary package database: /usr/local/haskell/ghc-8.2.1-x86_64/lib/ghc-8.2.1/package.conf.d/package.cache
Using binary package database: /home/nic/.ghc/x86_64-linux-8.2.1/package.conf.d/package.cache
package flags []
loading package database /usr/local/haskell/ghc-8.2.1-x86_64/lib/ghc-8.2.1/package.conf.d
loading package database /home/nic/.ghc/x86_64-linux-8.2.1/package.conf.d
wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim-
wired-in package integer-gmp mapped to integer-gmp-
wired-in package base mapped to base-
wired-in package rts mapped to rts
wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell-
wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-8.2.1
wired-in package dph-seq not found.
wired-in package dph-par not found.
package flags []
loading package database /usr/local/haskell/ghc-8.2.1-x86_64/lib/ghc-8.2.1/package.conf.d
loading package database /home/nic/.ghc/x86_64-linux-8.2.1/package.conf.d
wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim-
wired-in package integer-gmp mapped to integer-gmp-
wired-in package base mapped to base-
wired-in package rts mapped to rts-1.0
wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell-
wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-8.2.1
wired-in package dph-seq not found.
wired-in package dph-par not found.
*** Chasing dependencies:
Chasing modules from: *bug.hs
!!! Chasing dependencies: finished in 1.14 milliseconds, allocated 0.207 megabytes
Stable obj: []
Stable BCO: []
Ready for upsweep
ModSummary {
ms_hs_date = 2017-12-08 23:11:58.321654412 UTC
ms_mod = Main,
ms_textual_imps = [(Nothing, Prelude)]
ms_srcimps = []
*** Deleting temp files:
compile: input file bug.hs
*** Checking old interface for Main (use -ddump-hi-diffs for more details):
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( bug.hs, bug.o )
*** Parser [Main]:
!!! Parser [Main]: finished in 0.13 milliseconds, allocated 0.090 megabytes
*** Renamer/typechecker [Main]:
*** Deleting temp files:
*** Deleting temp dirs:
ghc: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
(GHC version 8.2.1 for x86_64-unknown-linux):
Call stack:
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
prettyCurrentCallStack, called at compiler/utils/Outputable.hs:1133:58 in ghc:Outputable
callStackDoc, called at compiler/utils/Outputable.hs:1137:37 in ghc:Outputable
pprPanic, called at compiler/types/Type.hs:808:9 in ghc:Type
Trac metadata
Trac field | Value |
Version | 8.2.1 |
Type | Bug |
TypeOfFailure | OtherFailure |
Priority | normal |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Component | Compiler |
Test case | |
Differential revisions | |
BlockedBy | |
Related | |
Blocking | |
CC | |
Operating system | |
Architecture |