Replying to [[span(style=color: #FF0000, nickkuk )]]:\\
Thank you.
Prelude> :t 1.1+2.21.1+2.2 :: Fractional a => a
I know the failures with real numbers in calculations on computers.
OK, but overall we could be sure of the result by decreasing the
number of decimal places in real number, for example.
should we use your method with all real numbers?
I think not at all. example:\\
Prelude> fromRational(2.71828182846**3.14159265359)<interactive>:18:14: error: * Could not deduce (Floating Rational) arising from a use of `**' from the context: Fractional a bound by the inferred type of it :: Fractional a => a at <interactive>:18:1-42 * In the first argument of `fromRational', namely `(2.71828182846 ** 3.14159265359)' In the expression: fromRational (2.71828182846 ** 3.14159265359) In an equation for `it': it = fromRational (2.71828182846 ** 3.14159265359)
I am not convinced by your answer.
it works in a specific example but not in a general way.
I think we could do better.
I am doubtful, I reopen this ticket to have other opinions.\\
look at the difference with Hugs (Haskell 98 Compatability):\\
while the other interpreters all give an expected result.\\
T h e M i r a n d a S y s t e m version 2.041 last revised 15 August 2008 Copyright Research Software Ltd 1985-2008 World Wide Web: file script.mfor help type /hMiranda 1.1+2.23.3Miranda 1.111111+2.2222223.333333Miranda 1.11111111111111+2.222222222222223.333333333333Miranda
Standard ML of New Jersey v110.81 [built: Thu May 04 14:21:06 2017]- 1.1+2.2;val it = 3.3 : real- 1.111111+2.222222;val it = 3.333333 : real- 1.11111111111111+2.22222222222222;val it = 3.33333333333 : real-
After making several calculations it seems to me that this is more a display error rather than a miscalculation (mathematical error). I think it could be repaired easily.
A tiny bit of googling would have showed that the problem is not easy at all, see e.g. the 2nd part of or the 2nd volume of Knuth's TAOCP (Radix Conversions). Apart from the fact that numeric algorithms are notoriously hard, there are tradeoffs here, e.g. speed vs. "minimality" of the resulting string. Different implementations just choose different points in the design space, so GHC's behavior is not a bug at all and I propose to close this ticket. Remember: If there was a single, universally "right" way to convert binary floats to a decimal string, people probably wouldn't write papers/blogs/etc. about it for several decades...
It has nothing to do with what you say otherwise why other languages give correct results and not GHC? Maybe there is something in common between OCaml and GHC. And that
produces this error. We need to find.\\
This problem, you says, began to manifest itself from the 1950s, and we still talk about it. In the past we managed to get results as we wanted.\\
So two things:
the way followed by GHC (in computation) is not the right one.\\
there is a breakdown somewhere.
and as you can see, the other systems stand out from GHC. if it is the fault of the base on which GHC is built then it is necessary to change the base.\\
look again at this result, do you think it is reasonable?
while the other languages write a good result that is consistent with our expectations? These results are repetitive, so why always the same poorly written results?\\
In this other example, you can see that the calculation results between OCaml and GHC occur for the same numbers. For me there is a relationship between these two systems. It is necessary to do another search to find it and thus to eliminate this miscalculation.\\
Today I decided to close this ticket as invalid because I do not know what else to choose to close this ticket. But of course you can reopen it. Thank you for reading this.
It has nothing to do with what you say otherwise why other languages give correct results and not GHC? [...]
Within Double's precision, all the results are correct. They might not be minimal in the sense that they output the minimum number of characters necessary, but they are nevertheless correct: The Haskell Report doesn't require minimality AFAICT.
If we wanted such minimality, this would be a feature request, not a bug report. One would have to make detailed performance measurements for such a change: It's easy to get more than an order of magnitude slower here, which might be a deal-breaker for lots of people.
I propose you google for "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic" and/or have a look at the papers and blogs mentioned in the previous Stack Exchange link.
a) Prelude> (16.0/0.00002)799999.9999999999it :: Fractional a => ab)Prelude> fromRational(16.0/0.00002)800000.0it :: Fractional a => ac)Prelude> (16.0/0.00002)**2.12.491661103847512e12it :: Floating a => ad)Prelude> (fromRational(16.0/0.00002))**2.12.491661103847512e12it :: Floating a => ae)Prelude> 800000.0**2.12.491661103847512e12it :: Floating a => af)Prelude> let a = (16.0/0.00002)a :: Fractional a => ag)Prelude> a799999.9999999999it :: Fractional a => ah)Prelude> a**2.12.491661103847512e12it :: Floating a => a
the reference calculation will be the expression in e). the results from c), d), e) and h) are equal and yet their calculations are different.\\
compare results from a) and b). the results are not identical.
then compare the results from c) and d). the results are identical.\\
first observation: it is not obligatory to write fromRational in front of
the numerical expression to have a correct result.
second observation: look at f) and g) and the result in h) which is
identical to the other results in c), d) or e).\\
as I said above, this demonstration shows that GHC calculates well
but the result provided in a) does not conform to our view and this
result does not come from an error due to the calculation of Floats. I think this can be fixed. No?
I just figured out how to fix that. that's why I re-open this ticket.
This idea came to me when calculating numbers with my HP Prime
as I said above, GHC calculates well.
it's a matter of displaying a number.
we can give ourselves a limit in the display of the number which will
be for example 5 digits of precision after the decimal point. in a new
request ticket I talked about 11 precision digits in the display.\\
I specify for those who have not understood anything yet that it is a
precision in the display and not in the internal calculation. \\
5 digits may seem sufficient considering that GHC is more used in the
functional part more than in the intensive mathematical calculation.
if the number is:79.999999 he can become 80
I fully understand that you want to change the standard way of Showing Doubles, but this won't happen: There is an informal understanding that read and show are a (weak) kind of inverses:
There is no formal requirement in the Haskell Report for this, but you can be sure that lots of code out there would break for no good reason if the standard Show instance would simply lower the precision. Improving the implementation so that it would output as few characters as possible while retaining precision and performance would be another story, as has already been pointed out. Again: If you want some special formatting, use e.g.:
Just for the record: Try the equivalent of your examples in Chrome's JavaScript console, in Firefox, Python 3.6's IDLE, in DrRacket's console etc. etc., and you will see the same results as in GHC(i), and for a good reason.
Another thing: A bug tracker is not really the right place to discuss wild new ideas, IRC e.g. might be a better place to get some initial feedback and perhaps learn why things are done they way they are.
Replying to [[span(style=color: #FF0000, svenpanne )]]. \\
not at all. not at all.\\
in his book entitled "Thinking Functionally with Haskell" Richard Bird
says page 12-13:\\
One of the tools is an interactive calculator, called GHCi...You can now use GHCi as a super-calculator:Prelude> 3^5243
when I write Prelude> 1.1+2.2, the answer is 3.3000000000000003 \\
But if I use Hugs 98 (Haskell 98 Compatability): \\
when I write Hugs> 1.1+2.2, the answer is \\
3.3 :: Double(32 reductions, 75ells)
that's all.\\
and you do not see any difference in these two results.\\
Please stop re-opening tickets and try to gather some information from relevant papers/blogs, and ask on mailing lists. This is a bug tracker, not a learning tool.
This ticket shows a bug. I do not seek help in this ticket, I have all the help I need in the books I read. Please, svenpanne, stop to close this ticket. I re-open it.