Stuck type families can lead to lousy error messages
I first noticed this problem at the type level:
{-# language TypeFamilies, TypeInType, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module ArityError where
import Data.Kind
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy
type family F (s :: Symbol) :: Type
type family G (s :: Symbol) :: F s
type instance G "Hi" = Maybe
This produces the error message
ArityError.hs:10:24: error:
• Expecting one more argument to ‘Maybe’
Expected kind ‘F "Hi"’, but ‘Maybe’ has kind ‘* -> *’
• In the type ‘Maybe’
In the type instance declaration for ‘G’
10 | type instance G "Hi" = Maybe
| ^^^^^
This looks utterly bogus: F "Hi"
is stuck, so we have no idea what arity it indicates.
I just realized we have a similar problem at the term level:
f :: forall (s :: Symbol). Proxy s -> F s
f _ _ = undefined
ArityError.hs:14:1: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘F s’ with actual type ‘p0 -> a0’
The type variables ‘p0’, ‘a0’ are ambiguous
• The equation(s) for ‘f’ have two arguments,
but its type ‘Proxy s -> F s’ has only one
• Relevant bindings include
f :: Proxy s -> F s (bound at ArityError.hs:14:1)
14 | f _ _ = undefined
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The claim that Proxy s -> F s
has only one argument is bogus; we only know that it has at least one argument. The fix (I imagine) is to refrain from reporting arity errors when we don't know enough about the relevant arities.