Importing a bundled pattern "infects" all other imports of that pattern
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
unit p where
module A0 where
data G = G Int
module A1 where
import A0
pattern X x = G x
module A(G(X)) where
import A0
import A1
module B(G) where
import A
module C(pattern X) where
import A
module D(N.G, pattern N.X) where
import B
import C
import qualified A0 as N
import qualified A1 as N
When we look at the interface for D, we see that X is bundled with G. This is a little surprising because I explicitly exported the G and X from A0 and A1, where no bundling took place.
I suppose the current semantics might also be alright, but we should explicitly say so. The spec in the wiki is silent in this respect: