stack build command failing on creating new yesod-sqlite project
Configuring yesod-auth- Building yesod-auth- Preprocessing library yesod-auth- [ 1 of 12] Compiling Yesod.PasswordStore ( Yesod/PasswordStore.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal- )
Yesod/PasswordStore.hs:166:31: Warning:
Defaulting the following constraint(s) to type ‘Integer’
(Integral b0)
arising from a use of ‘^’ at Yesod/PasswordStore.hs:166:31
(Num b0)
arising from the literal ‘32’ at Yesod/PasswordStore.hs:166:32-33
In the first argument of ‘(-)’, namely ‘2 ^ 32’
In the first argument of ‘(*)’, namely ‘(2 ^ 32 - 1)’
In the second argument of ‘(>)’, namely ‘(2 ^ 32 - 1) * hLen’
Yesod/PasswordStore.hs:419:1: Warning:
Defined but not used: ‘toStrict’
Yesod/PasswordStore.hs:422:1: Warning:
Defined but not used: ‘fromStrict’
[ 2 of 12] Compiling Yesod.Auth.Message ( Yesod/Auth/Message.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal- )
Yesod/Auth/Message.hs:23:1: Warning:
The import of ‘mappend’ from module ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant
Yesod/Auth/Message.hs:698:1: Warning:
Defined but not used: ‘croatianMessage’
Yesod/Auth/Message.hs:459:1: Warning:
Pattern match(es) are overlapped
In an equation for ‘finnishMessage’: finnishMessage Password = ...
Yesod/Auth/Message.hs:459:1: Warning:
Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
In an equation for ‘finnishMessage’:
Patterns not matched: CurrentPassword
[ 3 of 12] Compiling Yesod.Auth.Routes ( Yesod/Auth/Routes.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal- ) [ 4 of 12] Compiling Yesod.Auth ( Yesod/Auth.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal- ) ghc: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
(GHC version 7.10.3 for x86_64-apple-darwin):
Loading temp shared object failed: dlopen(/var/folders/l0/kb14zym51tn31vfsr4bmf_yr0000gp/T/ghc18354_0/libghc_21.dylib, 5): no suitable image found. Did find: /var/folders/l0/kb14zym51tn31vfsr4bmf_yr0000gp/T/ghc18354_0/libghc_21.dylib: malformed mach-o: load commands size (35808) > 32768
Please report this as a GHC bug:
Trac metadata
Trac field | Value |
Version | 7.10.3 |
Type | Bug |
TypeOfFailure | OtherFailure |
Priority | normal |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Component | Compiler |
Test case | |
Differential revisions | |
BlockedBy | |
Related | |
Blocking | |
CC | |
Operating system | |
Architecture |