Somehow detect splicing in ghci
I'm no TH expert but currently it seems you need a hack (adding data X ;
or pure []
) to do the following
ghci> $(reify ''() >>= runIO.print >> return [])
<interactive>:210:3: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘[t0]’ with ‘Exp’
Expected type: ExpQ
Actual type: Q [t0]
• In the expression: reify ''() >>= runIO . print >> return []
In the untyped splice: $(reify ''() >>= runIO . print >> return [])
>>> data X; $(reify ''() >>= runIO.print >> return [])
TyConI (DataD [] GHC.Tuple.() [] Nothing [NormalC GHC.Tuple.() []] [])
>>> pure []; $(reify ''() >>= runIO.print >> return [])
TyConI (DataD [] GHC.Tuple.() [] Nothing [NormalC GHC.Tuple.() []] [])
Same with makeLenses (discussed here, there, hither):
>>> data A = B { _int :: Int }
>>> makeLenses ''A
<interactive>:209:1: error:
• No instance for (Show DecsQ) arising from a use of ‘print’
• In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
the following two work
>>> data A = B { _int :: Int }
>>> pure []; makeLenses ''A
>>> view int (B 42)
>>> data A = B { _int :: Int }; makeLenses ''A
>>> view int (B 42)