don't complain about type variable ambiguity when the expression is parametrically polymorphic
I'm not sure this is really a good idea, but it did come up in practice. Consider the following rather contrived program:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables,
AllowAmbiguousTypes, TypeApplications #-}
module E where
type family T a
type instance T Int = Char
type instance T String = Char
type instance T Bool = ()
newtype FT a = FT [T a]
m :: forall a. (forall x. T x -> Int) -> FT a -> [Int]
m f (FT xs) = map f xs
GHC rejects it with the error:
E.hs:14:21: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘T a’ with ‘T x0’
Expected type: [T x0]
Actual type: [T a]
NB: ‘T’ is a type function, and may not be injective
The type variable ‘x0’ is ambiguous
• In the second argument of ‘map’, namely ‘xs’
In the expression: map f xs
In an equation for ‘m’: m f (FT xs) = map f xs
• Relevant bindings include
xs :: [T a] (bound at E.hs:14:9)
m :: (forall x. T x -> Int) -> FT a -> [Int] (bound at E.hs:14:1)
The problem seems to be that GHC doesn't know at what type to instantiate f
, because it can't conclude from the argument of f
being T a
that the type parameter of f
needs to be x
. In fact, T
here really is not injective, so if a
is Int
, x
could just as well be String
However, in this case the ambiguity doesn't actually matter. If f @Int
and f @String
have the same type because T Int ~ T String
, then they are actually the same value too by parametricity, because there is no class constraint on x
. Since GHC prints a message saying that T
is not known to be injective, it sounds like it knows about the possible solution x0 = a
. So it could just pick it, and accept the original program.
With TypeApplications I can just specify the intended value of x
by writing
m f (FT xs) = map (f @a) xs
which is a reasonable workaround in my real use case also. Interestingly I can't seem to achieve the same thing without TypeApplications without adding a proxy argument to f
, which I don't much want to do.
Trac metadata
Trac field | Value |
Version | 8.1 |
Type | FeatureRequest |
TypeOfFailure | OtherFailure |
Priority | low |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Component | Compiler (Type checker) |
Test case | |
Differential revisions | |
BlockedBy | |
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Blocking | |
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