`-Woverlapping-patterns` induced memory-blowup
I'm afraid I've found yet another case that still let's the pattern checker go crazy (courtesy of hackage:cryptol-2.2.5):
{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Woverlapping-patterns #-}
module Bug where
data Type = TCon TCon [Type]
| TUser String [Type] Type
| TRec [(String,Type)]
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
data TCon = TC TC
| TF TFun
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
data TC = TCNum Integer
| TCInf
| TCBit
| TCSeq
| TCFun
| TCTuple Int
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
data TFun = TCAdd
| TCSub
| TCMul
| TCDiv
| TCMod
| TCLg2
| TCExp
| TCWidth
| TCMin
| TCMax
| TCLenFromThen
| TCLenFromThenTo
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum)
simpFinTy :: Type -> Maybe [Type]
simpFinTy ty = case ty of
TCon (TC (TCNum _)) _ -> Just []
TCon (TF tf) [t1]
| TCLg2 <- tf -> Just [t1]
| TCWidth <- tf -> Just [t1]
TCon (TF tf) [t1,t2]
| TCAdd <- tf -> Just [t1, t2]
| TCSub <- tf -> Just [t1]
| TCMul <- tf -> Just [t1, t2]
| TCDiv <- tf -> Just [t1]
| TCMod <- tf -> Just []
| TCExp <- tf -> Just [t1, t2]
| TCMin <- tf -> Nothing
| TCMax <- tf -> Just [t1, t2]
TCon (TF tf) [_,_,_]
| TCLenFromThen <- tf -> Just []
| TCLenFromThenTo <- tf -> Just []
_ -> Nothing
Trac metadata
Trac field | Value |
Version | 8.1 |
Type | Bug |
TypeOfFailure | OtherFailure |
Priority | highest |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Component | Compiler |
Test case | |
Differential revisions | |
BlockedBy | |
Related | |
Blocking | |
CC | bgamari |
Operating system | |
Architecture |