Data.Text.length allocates one closure per character
In #11284 (closed) I noticed that map Data.Text.length
applied to a list of Text
values would result in code which would allocate one closure per character due to lack of lambda lifting.
It turns out it's even worse than this.
Consider this example (inspired by #11284 (closed)),
module Hi2 (hello) where
import qualified Data.Text as T
hello :: Int
hello = T.length hi
hi :: T.Text
hi = T.pack "hello"
When compiled with GHC 7.10.3 with -O
, the following simplified Core is produced,
hello :: Int
hello =
case unpackCString# "hello"#
of _ { Text dt_a33D dt1_a33E dt2_a33F ->
let {
a_a33C :: Int#
a_a33C = +# dt1_a33E dt2_a33F } in
letrec {
$wloop_length_s3bt :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
$wloop_length_s3bt =
\ (ww_s3bk :: Int#) (ww_s3bo :: Int#) ->
case tagToEnum# @ Bool (>=# ww_s3bo a_a33C) of _ {
False ->
case indexWord16Array# dt_a33D ww_s3bo of r#_a35n { __DEFAULT ->
case tagToEnum# @ Bool (geWord# r#_a35n (__word 55296)) of _ {
False -> $wloop_length_s3bt (+# ww_s3bk 1) (+# ww_s3bo 1);
True ->
case tagToEnum# @ Bool (leWord# r#_a35n (__word 56319)) of _ {
False -> $wloop_length_s3bt (+# ww_s3bk 1) (+# ww_s3bo 1);
True -> $wloop_length_s3bt (+# ww_s3bk 1) (+# ww_s3bo 2)
True -> ww_s3bk
}; } in
case $wloop_length_s3bt 0 dt1_a33E of ww_s3bs { __DEFAULT ->
I# ww_s3bs
Even this simple example produces a length
function which allocations
Trac metadata
Trac field | Value |
Version | 7.10.3 |
Type | Bug |
TypeOfFailure | OtherFailure |
Priority | normal |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Component | Compiler |
Test case | |
Differential revisions | |
BlockedBy | |
Related | |
Blocking | |
CC | |
Operating system | |
Architecture |