Odd interaction between type families and coercions (regression)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Wonk where
import Data.Type.Coercion
type family X
coercionXX :: Coercion X X
coercionXX = Coercion
This works just fine in 7.8.3, but in 7.10.2 it gives the following peculiar error:
Couldn't match representation of type ‘X’ with that of ‘X’
NB: ‘X’ is a type function, and may not be injective
In the expression: Coercion
In an equation for ‘coercionXX’: coercionXX = Coercion
I don't even know what it means for a nullary type family to be injective. I tried the following workarounds:
coercionXX1 :: Coercion X X
coercionXX1 = c where
c :: x ~ X => Coercion x x
c = Coercion
coercionXX2 :: Coercion X X
coercionXX2 = c where c = Coercion
Interestingly, coercionXX1
seems to work under all circumstances,
with or without the top-level type signature; coercionXX2
if it's in a .hs
file, but does not work if entered by hand
at the ghci
prompt (it produces a similar error).