Pattern synonym causes Iface error.
From the mailing list..
Hello, We have a pattern synonym as follows
type family Showable (a :: k) :: Constraint where
Showable (a :: *) = (Show a)
Showable a = ()
pattern Just' :: () => (Showable a) => a -> (Maybe a)
pattern Just' a <- (extractJust -> (True, a)) where
Just' a = Just a
When we try to use the pattern in a different package, the error was
[1 of 1] Compiling Bar ( Bar.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux/Cabal- )
Declaration for Just'
Pattern synonym Just':
Iface type variable out of scope: k
Cannot continue after interface file error
The error only occurred when Showable was polykinded and we used synonym in a different package . Using the synonym in the same package works fine.
This problem did not happen with the following definition of (non polykinded ) Showable
type family Showable a :: Constraint where
Showable a = (Show a)