`reify` doesn't find associated type families
Template Haskell's reify
doesn't find the the associated type families of a type class. Consider the following two classes:
class C a where
f :: a -> Int
class C' a where
type F a :: *
f' :: a -> Int
These produce identical, up to renaming, output when passed to reify
-- putStrLn $(stringE . show =<< reify ''C)
ClassI (ClassD [] Ghci1.C [PlainTV a_1627398388] []
[SigD Ghci1.f
(ForallT [PlainTV a_1627398388]
[ClassP Ghci1.C [VarT a_1627398388]]
(AppT (AppT ArrowT (VarT a_1627398388))
(ConT GHC.Types.Int)))])
-- putStrLn $(stringE . show =<< reify ''C')
ClassI (ClassD [] Ghci3.C' [PlainTV a_1627405973] []
[SigD Ghci3.f'
(ForallT [PlainTV a_1627405973]
[ClassP Ghci3.C' [VarT a_1627405973]]
(AppT (AppT ArrowT (VarT a_1627405973))
(ConT GHC.Types.Int)))])
If I know the name of F
, I can look up information about it:
-- putStrLn $(stringE . show =<< reify ''F)
FamilyI (FamilyD TypeFam
[PlainTV a_1627405973]
(Just StarT))
But I can't find the name of F
in the first place. Even if I add an instance of the type class, the InstanceD
has none of the information about the definition. Given
instance C' [a] where
type F [a] = a
f' = length
we get
-- putStrLn $(stringE . show =<< reify ''C')
ClassI (ClassD [] Ghci3.C' [PlainTV a_1627405973] []
[SigD Ghci3.f'
(ForallT [PlainTV a_1627405973]
[ClassP Ghci3.C' [VarT a_1627405973]]
(AppT (AppT ArrowT (VarT a_1627405973))
(ConT GHC.Types.Int)))])
[InstanceD []
(AppT (ConT Ghci3.C')
(AppT ListT (VarT a_1627406161)))
This problem was confirmed to exist in the following configurations:
- GHC 7.10.2 with version of the template-haskell package.
- GHC 7.8.3 with version of the template-haskell package.
- GHC 7.4.2 with version of the template-haskell package.
(I also posted this on Stack Overflow in //2013//, where it has been languishing ever since: http://stackoverflow.com/q/17247880/237428.)