BangPat gets wrong SrcSpan.
In this simple file
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
baz !"a" = bang
It can be seen that on line 28 the BangPat
has the wrong SrcSpan
annotations=lineno ({ typetest.hs:1:1 } Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) (ColDelta 1) DP (0,0) [] [((G AnnEofPos),DP (1,0))]) (HsModule (Nothing) (Nothing) [] [ ({ typetest.hs:3:1-15 } Just (Ann (DP (2,1)) (ColDelta 1) DP (2,1) [(Comment {commentPos = DP (0,29), commentContents = "{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}", commentIdentifier = RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine "typetest.hs" 1 1 30, commentOrigin = Nothing},DP (0,0))] []) (ValD (FunBind ({ typetest.hs:3:1-3 } Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) (ColDelta 1) DP (0,0) [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))]) (Unqual {OccName: baz})) (False) (MG [ ({ typetest.hs:3:1-15 } Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) (ColDelta 1) DP (0,0) [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1)),((AnnList <no location info> NotNeeded),DP (0,0))]) (Match (Just ((,) ({ typetest.hs:3:1-3 } Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) (ColDelta 1) DP (0,0) [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))]) (Unqual {OccName: baz})) (False))) [ ({ typetest.hs:3:1-8 } Just (Ann (DP (0,-3)) (ColDelta 1) DP (0,-3) [] [((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))]) (BangPat ({ typetest.hs:3:6-8 } Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) (ColDelta 6) DP (0,0) [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))]) (LitPat (HsString "\"a\"" {FastString: "a"})))))] (Nothing) (GRHSs [ ({ typetest.hs:3:10-15 } Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) (ColDelta 10) DP (0,-1) [] []) (GRHS [] ({ typetest.hs:3:12-15 } Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) (ColDelta 12) DP (0,1) [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))]) (HsVar (Unqual {OccName: bang})))))] (EmptyLocalBinds))))] [] (PlaceHolder) (FromSource)) (WpHole) (PlaceHolder) [])))] (Nothing) (Nothing)))
Trac metadata
Trac field | Value |
Version | 7.10.1 |
Type | Bug |
TypeOfFailure | OtherFailure |
Priority | normal |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Component | Compiler |
Test case | |
Differential revisions | |
BlockedBy | |
Related | |
Blocking | |
CC | |
Operating system | |
Architecture |