Since it has become more widely know that the LLVM developers often make breaking changes to the IR language between releases, some Linu distributions (eg Debain and hence Ubuntu) have started doing multi-version LLVM installs.
For instance on Debian, the llvm-3.6 programs are installed in /usr/lib/llvm-3.6/bin as llc and opt.
I propose that the and aclocal.m4 configuration goop be modified to look for llc and opt in these versioned /usr/lib/llvm-X.Y locations. I'm also willing to do the hard yards on implementing this if people think its a good idea.
This can be seen as a step along the way to more stringent LLVM versioning requirements.
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This should already work. If it doesn't, than that's indeed a bug. See commit 1dfab7a8
Author: Thomas Miedema <>Date: Mon Mar 2 11:09:33 2015 -0600 Fix detection of llvm-x.x Summary: Four bug fixes and a little refactoring. * `find -perm \mode` should be `find -perm /mode` (#9697) * `find -regex '$3' should be `find -regex "$3"` (#7661) From `man sh` on my system (Ubuntu 14.04): "Enclosing characters in single quotes preserves the literal meaning of all the characters ..." * LlcCmd and OptCmd should be passed to ghc, using `-pgmlo` and `-pgmlc`, for detection of #9439. * -pgmlo and -pgmlc were undocumented because of an xml tag misplacement. Test Plan: The aclocal.m4 macro has seen about 10 iterations since its inception. Without a testsuite, I can't guarantee this version is bug free either. It's all pretty frustrating. Reviewers: bgamari, austin Reviewed By: austin Subscribers: thomie Differential Revision: GHC Trac Issues: #9697, #7661, #9439
@thomie It doesn't work now, because on my machine it picks /usr/bin/llc (which is actually a symlink to /usr/lib/llvm-3.5/bin/llc) before it picks /usr/lib/llvm-3.6/bin/llc. I can't remove llvm-3.5 because I have other tools that rely on it.
If people think its a good idea, I would make the configure script check for a specific version of the llvm tools (currently 3.6 because thats all that seems to work currently). With this versioned check, when we move to another version of LLVM there should be one single change to to make it check for the new version.
On my Debian system there is also /usr/bin/llc-3.x which is a symlink to /usr/lib/llvm-3.x/bin/llc. If GHC requires LLVM 3.6, for instance, wouldn't it be best to look for llc-3.6 in the $PATH, rather than specifically /usr/lib/llvm-3.6/bin/llc? Then it would also work if the user installed llc-3.6 other than through their package manager (e.g., in ~/bin).
@rwbarton Yes, it should look for a versioned /usr/lib/llc-X.Y but also accept /usr/lib/llvm-3.6/bin/llc (I'm pretty sure the versioned symlinks in /usr/bin/ are managed by the Debian alternatives system and therefore optional). More importantly configure should fail if whatever version of llc it finds isn't the currently blessed version.
@thomie Unfortunately, I think that FIND_LLVM macro will need to grow, not disappear.
Nope, it turns out that on Debian, the /usr/bin/llc-3.6 symlink is managed by the llvm-3.6 package. Its the /usr/bin/llc symlink that is managed by the Debian alternatives system.
More importantly configure should fail if whatever version of llc it finds isn't the currently blessed version.
Yes, it should look for a versioned /usr/lib/llc-X.Y but also accept /usr/lib/llvm-3.6/bin/llc
Let me rephrase what I meant. Hard-coding knowledge of the directory /usr/lib/llvm-3.6/bin into ghc's autoconf is wrong because (in my estimation) the fact that llc-3.6 is a symlink to /usr/lib/llvm-3.6/bin/llc is an implementation detail of the Debian llvm-3.6 package and the executable may be (and is) located elsewhere on other distributions. The public interface of llvm-3.6 (on Debian and hopefully on other distributions) is that it provides llc-3.6 on the standard $PATH.
@thomie That would work for some cases, but imo, if llc-3.6 does not exist, the configure script should still check to see if llc is the required version.
@rwbarton I agree about not looking for /usr/lib/llvm-3.6/bin/llc. That was a silly idea.
@nomeata That may be true, but we still need to fix this for people compiling from git.
I've been doing some hacking on this and here is my current solution (for now X.Y is 3.6):
The configure script should check for llc-X.Y and opt-X.Y *before* it checks for plain llc and opt.
Only check for plain llc and opt if the explicitly versioned ones are not found.
If it finds plain llc and opt check that the version is X.Y.
The above currently works, but causes other problems in this check:
checking whether bootstrap compiler is affected by bug 9439... You are using a new version of LLVM that hasn't been tested yet!We will try though.../usr/bin/opt-3.6: /tmp/ghc12163_0/ghc12163_2.ll:7:6: error: unexpected type in metadata definition!0 = metadata !{metadata !"top", i8* null} ^failed to compile
The problem here is that this checks the bootstrap compiler bug using the detected LlcCmd (which now *must* be llc-3.6) which doesn't support he LLVM IR syntax above. I think is in-correct.
The bootstrap compiler should already have the location of the llc and opt it was compiled for in its settings file (these have been present in that file since ghc 7.6 but they are not present in eg 7.4.2). Its the llc version in the settings file which should be checked for bug #9439 (closed), not the one detected by the configure script.
That's easy to fix. Revert this change I made in 1dfab7a8:
\--- a/ b/ -508,7 +508,7 @@ then echo "main = putStrLn \"%function\"" > conftestghc.hs # Check whether LLVM backend is default for this platform- "${WithGhc}" conftestghc.hs 2>&1 >/dev/null+ "${WithGhc}" -pgmlc="${LlcCmd}" -pgmlo="${OptCmd}" conftestghc.hs 2>&1 >/dev/null res=`./conftestghc` if test "x$res" = "x%object" then@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ then # -fllvm is not the default, but set a flag so the Makefile can check # -for it in the build flags later on- "${WithGhc}" -fforce-recomp -fllvm conftestghc.hs 2>&1 >/dev/null+ "${WithGhc}" -fforce-recomp -pgmlc="${LlcCmd}" -pgmlo="${OptCmd}" -fllvm conftestghc.hs 2>&1 >/dev/null if test $? = 0 then res=`./conftestghc`
Hi, this seems to have regressed. Should I open a new ticket? I'd like for ghc to look for versioned llvm executables in the PATH and prefer those over the unversioned names (if they exist).
If #10074 is stalled this change seems sufficient to me. As it stands using multiple ghc versions with fllvm side by side is pretty inconvenient (or else I haven't figured out the trick).
$ echo $PATH/home/me/Code/NOT_MY_CODE/spack/bin:/usr/lib/llvm-6.0/bin:/home/me/.cargo/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/home/me/.rbenv/shims:/home/me/.rbenv/bin:/home/me/.play-2.2.2:/home/me/.node/bin:/usr/local/node/bin:/home/me/.local/bin:/home/me/.cabal/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/usr/local/go/bin:/home/me/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/bin:/home/me/.go/bin$ which opt/usr/lib/llvm-6.0/bin/opt$ ghc --make -fforce-recomp -fllvm hello.hs -o hello_llvm[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( hello.hs, hello.o )Linking hello_llvm ...$ export PATH=/home/me/.cargo/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/home/me/.rbenv/shims:/home/me/.rbenv/bin:/home/me/.play-2.2.2:/home/me/.node/bin:/usr/local/node/bin:/home/me/.local/bin:/home/me/.cabal/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/usr/local/go/bin:/home/me/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/bin:/home/me/.go/bin$ which opt opt not found$ which opt-6.0 1 ↵/usr/bin/opt-6.0$ ghc --make -fforce-recomp -fllvm hello.hs -o hello_llvm[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( hello.hs, hello.o )<no location info>: error: Warning: Couldn't figure out LLVM version! Make sure you have installed LLVM 6.0ghc: could not execute: opt