Instance signatures (InstanceSigs) don't accept '[] :: [ĸ]
The following doesn't compile with 7.8.3:
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, TypeFamilies, DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, GADTs, InstanceSigs #-}
data family Sing (a :: k)
data instance Sing (xs :: [k]) where
SNil :: Sing '[]
class SingI (a :: ĸ) where
sing :: Sing a
instance SingI '[] where
sing :: Sing '[]
sing = SNil
and the error message suggests the very type provided (Sing '[]
Method signature does not match class; it should be
sing :: Sing '[]
In the instance declaration for ‘SingI '[]’
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Creating a local variable with the same type signature works fine:
instance SingI '[] where
sing = tmp where
tmp :: Sing '[]
tmp = SNil
This does not appear to be a problem for other types of kind Bool
such as 'True
or 'False
data instance Sing (xs :: Bool) where
STrue :: Sing True
SFalse :: Sing False
instance SingI True where
sing :: Sing True
sing = STrue
instance SingI False where
sing :: Sing False
sing = SFalse
This resembles #9582 (closed) but I don't believe it is the same error, it has possibly been fixed in 7.10 but unfortunately I don't have a more recent version of GHC to check.