Add baseline ellipsis as unicode alternative to «..»
While the current unicode syntax is overall very pleasing to the eye, writing the ellipsis as two periods («..») sticks out quite noticably. I would welcome it if the horizontal ellipsis (U+2026, «…») would be allowed in places where «..» can be written.
I noticed that there was an old discussion on the mailing list which indicated that originally there was a unicode replacement for «..», namely the midline ellipsis, which wasn’t considered a good choice and was removed from the syntax. The regular ellipsis would have the advantage that it is one of the more common «fancy» characters and mapped by default in the X server compose definitions; as such it’s rather well-accepted and sees use even on IRC and in blogs. So users would potentially benefit from the regular ellipsis, much more so than the more exotic midline ellipsis.